Monday, December 28, 2009


The most effective way to manage change successfully is to create it.

One cannot manage change.One can only be ahead of it.

In a period of upheavals, such as the one we are living in, change is the norm.

To be sure, it is painful and risky, and above all it requires a great deal of very hard work. But unless it is seen as the task of the organization to lead change, the organization will not survive.

In a period of rapid structural change, the only ones who survive are the change leaders. A change leader sees change as an opportunity.

A change leader looks for change, knows how to find the right changes, and knows how to make them effective both outside the organization and inside it.

To make the future is highly risky. It is less risky, however, than not to try to make it.

A goodly proportion of those attempting to will surely not succeed. But predictably, no one else will.

by, Dr. Peter Drucker

David Anderson - President - Okanagan Training Solutions
Priority Management - A Better Way to Work
250 762-5096 / 1-877-762-5096

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